Map Quiz

Chapter 17

Map Quiz
Chapter 17
This map shows the U.S. and Women’s Suffrage from 1890 to 1919. The map key indicates Effective Dates of Equal Suffrage: (1) by 1909, (2) 1910 to 1918, (3) Partial Suffrage by 1919, and (4) No women's suffrage by 1919.  A callout box points to the key and notes:  This map uses colors to divide the states into four categories. Purple indicates where women had the right to vote before 1910. In blue states women had equal voting rights prior to 1919. Red shows where women enjoyed the right to vote in some elections, but not others. Green indicates the states where women could not vote at all in 1919.  The earliest states were: Idaho, 1896; Wyoming, 1890; Utah, 1896; and Colorado, 1893. The second group with suffrage from 1910 to 1918 are: Washington, 1910; Oregon, 1912; Nevada, 1914; California, 1911; Arizona, 1912; Kansas, 1912; Oklahoma. 1918; South Dakota, 1918; Michigan, 1918; and New York, 1917. No suffrage is shown in: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.  All the other states only have the designation of Partial suffrage by 1919. Two other callout boxes are shown. One that points to Montana notes: Dates on the map indicate when individual states, on their own initiative, granted full suffrage to women.  A second callout box points to Iowa and notes: Note how women won the right to vote in a roughly west-to-east movement. What reasons might be advanced to explain this pattern of diffusion?  As the map indicates, by 1909, after more than sixty years of agitation, only four lightly populated western states had granted women full voting rights. A number of other states offered partial suffrage, limited to voting for school boards and such issues as taxes and local referenda on whether or not to permit the sale of liquor licenses (the so-​called local option). Between 1910 and 1918, as the effort shifted to the struggle for a constitutional amendment, eleven states joined the list granting full suffrage. The West remained the most progressive region in granting women’s voting rights; the most stubborn resistance lay in the ex-​Confederacy.
MAP 17.2 Women’s Suffrage, 1890–1919

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Question 1

Which of the following states granted full suffrage to women first?

Question 2

Of the following states, which granted full suffrage to women latest?

Question 3

Based on this map, which statement is true about women’s suffrage in the United States?