Map Quiz

Chapter 19

Map Quiz
Chapter 19
This map shows the vote distribution in the U.S. for the presidential election of 1912 and  why the two-party system is so strongly rooted in American politics and presidential elections. The Democrats, though a minority party, won an electoral landslide because the Republicans divided their vote between Roosevelt and Taft. The result indicated what happens when major parties splinter. The map shows: Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) with 435 electoral votes, 6,296,547 popular votes, and 41.9% of the popular vote; Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive) received 88 electoral votes, 4,118,571 popular votes, and 27.4% of the popular vote; William H. Taft (Republican) received 8 electoral votes, 3,486,720 popular votes, and 23.2% of the popular vote; Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) received no electoral votes, 900,672 popular votes, and 6% of the popular vote; and the other minority parties received 1.5% of the popular vote.
MAP 19.5 The Presidential Election of 1912

Select the best answer for each question. Click the “submit” button for each question to turn in your work. Click the "Previous" button to navigate back if you need to view the textbook.

Question 1

How many electoral votes did the incumbent, William H. Taft, win in 1912?

Question 2

Which candidate in 1912 ran for the presidency after having already served eight years in that office?

Question 3

Which of the following statements does this map justify?