Map Quiz

Chapter 29

Map Quiz
Chapter 29
Ever since the Monroe Doctrine (1823), the United States has claimed a special interest in Latin America. During the Cold War, U.S. foreign policy throughout Latin America focused on containing instability and the appeal of communism in a region plagued by poverty and military dictatorships. Providing foreign aid was one approach to addressing social and economic needs, but the United States frequently intervened with military forces (or by supporting military coups) to remove unfriendly or socialist governments. The Reagan administration’s support of the Contra rebels in Nicaragua, some of which was contrary to U.S. law, was one of those interventions. Callout boxes identify specific timelines for these involvements. These callouts are: (1) Cuba: 1959 – Castro ousts dictator Batista. 1961 – CIA-backed Cuban exiles launch unsuccessful invasion at Bay of Pigs. 1962 – Cuban missile crisis: U.S. blockades Cuba; (2) Haiti: 1991 – Military coup ousts President Aristide. 1994 – U.S. troops oversee peaceful return of Aristide to power; (3) Dominican Republic: 1965 – U.S. troops invade to prevent  its takeover; (4) Grenada: 1983 – U.S. troops invade to oust a communist regime; (5) Panama: 1964 – U.S. troops quell anti-American rioting in Canal Zone. 1978 – Treaty provides for joint U.S.-Panama control of Canal Zone in preparation for full turnover of canal. 1989 – U.S. troops invade, capturing dictator Noriega. 1999 – Control of canal returned to Panama; (6) Nicaragua: 1979 – Somoza regime overthrown; Sandinistas come to power. 1979- U.S.-backed Contra rebels and ’89 Sandinistas fight civil war. 1990 – Sandinistas defeated in elections; coalition government comes to power; (7) El Salvador: 1980s – U.S. sends money and military advisors to aid right-wing regime against leftist uprising; and (8) Guatemala: 1954 – U.S.-backed coup overthrows Arbenz’s socialist government.
MAP 29.2 U.S. Involvement in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1954–2000

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Question 1

What geostrategic feature evident in this map catalyzed U.S. involvement in the Caribbean during the Cold War?

Question 2

A common theme among the U.S. interventions exhibited in this map is that they

Question 3

U.S. involvement, especially numerous military interventions to overthrow governments, in the Caribbean basin during the Cold War mimicked similar interest in the region