Chapter 10

Quiz for Document 10-1: Margaret Fuller, Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845)

Reader Quiz
Chapter 10a

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Question 1

In her 1845 book Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Margaret Fuller writes, “I think women need, especially at this juncture, a much greater range of occupation than they have, to rouse their latent powers. . . . I have no doubt, however, that a large proportion of women would give themselves to the same employments as now, because there are circumstances that must lead them. Mothers will delight to make the nest soft and warm. Nature would take care of that; no need to clip the wings of any bird that wants to soar and sing, or finds in itself the strength of pinion for a migratory flight unusual to its kind. The difference would be that all need not be constrained to employments for which some are unfit.” This statement shows the influence of which of the following nineteenth-century intellectual currents?

Question 2

What two major avenues of the reform movement does Fuller link together?

Question 3

Fuller describes the female spirit and the male spirit in terms of being

Question 4

Fuller wants to teach women to be independent of men as a way of