Chapter 21

Quiz for Document 21-3: Platform of the Conference for Progressive Political Action (1924)

Reader Quiz
Chapter 21c

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Question 1

In point 14 of its 1924 platform, the Progressive Party states, “We denounce the mercenary system of degraded foreign policy under recent administrations in the interests of financial imperialists, oil monopolists and international bankers, which has at times degraded our state department from its high service as a strong and kindly intermediary of defenseless governments to a trading outpost for those interests and concession seekers engaged in the exploitation of weaker nations, as contrary to the will of the American people, destructive of domestic development and provocative of war.” By this statement, the Progressives are condemning which of the following?

Question 2

The Progressive Party platform calls for which of the following solutions to unemployment, which it shared with the Socialist platform?

Question 3

The Progressive Party platform calls for the public ownership of

Question 4

The opening paragraph of the Progressive Party platform seeks to place the Progressive agenda in the tradition of the