Chapter 30

Quiz for Document 30-1: Alesha Daughtrey, Interview by April Eaton (2000)

Reader Quiz
Chapter 30a

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Question 1

Alesha Daughtrey’s interview indicates that the protests against the 1999 meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle, Washington, demonstrated that the American political environment was in the midst of a transformation caused by

Question 2

To what does Daughtrey attribute the complacency and inactivity on the part of left-leaning citizens that she claims existed during the 1990s?

Question 3

According to Daughtrey, which interest group opposing the WTO and free trade policies was uncomfortable with the type of direct action being taken by the Seattle protesters?

Question 4

According to Daughtrey, opposition to WTO policy and free trade agreements such as NAFTA brought together for the first time which of the following two active interest groups?

Question 5

What might the various coalitions and interests of the anti-WTO protests in Seattle have indicated about the state of the left, liberalism, and the Democratic Party in 2000?