Chapter 8

Quiz for Document 8-3: Lucy Larcom, Among Lowell Mill-Girls: A Reminiscence (1881)

Reader Quiz
Chapter 8c

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Question 1

What does Lucy Larcom’s Reminiscence reveal about how the industrial revolution altered the lives of American women in New England during the 1830s and 1840s?

Question 2

According to Lucy Larcom’s account, what attitude toward factory work prevailed amongst New Englanders prior to the establishment of the Lowell mills?

Question 3

In Larcom’s reminiscence on her time at the Lowell Mills, the aspect of the mill’s mechanism that most impressed her with its almost god-like power was the

Question 4

Lowell management established a reputation for “good order, morality, [and] piety” from the very start of operations, most likely from a need to

Question 5

According to Larcom, the Lowell mill agent agreed to accept her as an employee at her unusually young age on the condition that she