Chapter 32. Chapter 32: Urbanization and Sustainable Communities

Interactive Study Guide
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Guiding Question 32.2

What are the trade-offs associated with cities or urban areas?

Why You Should Care

Chances are, if you haven’t been already, you’ll be faced with deciding where to live and start a career. You also probably have a good grasp of the pros and cons of city life. If you lived in the city, you’d probably be closer to work and a more diverse array of entertainment, people, and food. But you’d have to pay more to live there; in fact, you probably couldn’t afford to buy a home. It’s also crowded and could be noisy or polluted. If you lived in the suburbs, you’d have room to move around, but you’d have to do a lot more driving—to get to work, buy food, etc. Many of the environmental pros and cons are readily apparent, too. Living in cities saves land resources and should reduce carbon footprints since you don’t need to drive as much. But large amounts of waste are produced by cities, and disposing of it causes both environmental and social problems. Moreover, cities tend to be hotter than the surrounding countryside. Even the difference of a few degrees can make a huge difference in the environment—even if the hotter weather in cities is only enough to make air conditioners run a few extra minutes each day. Multiply that by millions of homes in a city and it’s a huge problem, especially if the electricity provided for the city is derived from coal. Although city and suburban living both have their drawbacks, the prospects of making city living sustainable are better than the suburbs, so hopefully, the current trends to make cities greener will continue.

Infographic 32.2


Thought Question: The y axis specifically lists the units as CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions. What do you think this means?

Try again.
CO2 isn't the only greenhouse gas, and each greenhouse gas has a different warming potential in the atmosphere. If you calculated the entire warming potential created by all the greenhouses gases emitted, you could convert that potential to the tons of CO2 alone it would take to reach it. So although these numbers are measuring CO2, they actually represent the combined effect of CO2 plus other greenhouse gases. For now, you can think of the CO2 equivalent emissions as a way to represent a carbon footprint.

Incidentally, if you were to measure just CO2 produced for energy and construction (making concrete releases CO2) but not CO2 and other gases emitted from other sources, like land clearing, China comes out slightly ahead of the United States.

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