Welcome to LaunchPad Solo for The Everyday Writer, 6th edition
Editing Quiz 1: “Thinking Globally by Eating Locally”
Editing Quiz 2: “Plagiarism in the Age of the Internet”
Storyboard Activity: Rhetorical situations
Video Prompt: Brain mapping
Video Prompt: Developing a sense of audience
Video Prompt: Getting ideas from social media
Video Prompt: Lessons from informal writing
Video Prompt: Pay attention to what you're interested in
Video Prompt: You just have to start
Storyboard Activity: Working thesis
Tutorial: Word Processing
Video Prompt: Filling in the gaps
Video Prompt: It's hard to delete things
Video Prompt: Looking for the essential points
Video Prompt: This will take longer than I thought
Video Prompt: Working with other people
Video Prompt: Writing processes
Storyboard Activity: Being a peer reviewer
Storyboard Activity: Getting help from peer reviewers
Storyboard Activity: Revising and editing
Student Writing: Early draft (Lesk)
Student Writing: Final draft (Lesk)
Video Prompt: Lessons from being a peer reviewer
Video Prompt: Lessons from peer review
Video Prompt: Revision happens
Video Prompt: Something to learn from each other
Student writing: Blog post (Nguyen)
Student writing: Portfolio cover letter (Kung)
Storyboard Activity: Critical Reading
Annotated scholarly article (Sanchez, Lum)
Tutorial: Active reading
Tutorial: Reading visuals for audience
Tutorial: Reading visuals for purpose
Video Prompt: Facing a challenging argument
Student Writing: Presentation (Song)
Tutorial: Presentations
Video Prompt: If I were in the audience
Video Prompt: Presentation is performance
Video Prompt: You want them to hear you
Student Writing: Fundraising Web page (Dart)
Student Writing: Pitch package (Jane, Burke)
Student Writing: Résumés (Lange)
Tutorial: Audio editing with Audacity
Tutorial: Job search and personal branding
Tutorial: Photo editing with GIMP
Video Prompt: Improving with practice
Video Prompt: Writing for the real world
Storyboard Activity: Synthesis
Student Writing: Annotated bibliography (Chan)
Student Writing: Reflective annotated bibliography (Sriram)
Tutorial: Do I need to cite that?
Tutorial: Online research tools
Video Prompt: Researching something exciting
Video Prompt: When to stop researching
Video Prompt: Correctness in context
Tutorial: How to cite a database in APA style
Tutorial: How to cite a website in APA style
Tutorial: How to cite a book in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite a database in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite an article in MLA style
Tutorial: How to cite a website in MLA style
APA-style research project (Bell)
Argument (Mercer-Golden)
Chicago-style research project (Rinder)
Close reading of poetry (Sillay)
Critical analysis (Song)
MLA-style research project (Craig)
Rhetorical analysis (Ateyea)
Synthesis essay (Warner)
Biology literature review (Hays)
Chemistry lab report (Goldberg)
Psychology literature review (Redding)
Exercise 2.1 Reflecting on your informal writing
Exercise 2.2 Thinking critically about your expectations for college writing
Exercise 3.1 Analyzing a sample assignment
Exercise 3.2 Considering the purposes of an assignment
Exercise 3.3 Writing for different audiences
Exercise 3.5 Considering academic genres
Exercise 3.6 Considering genre, medium, tone, and style
Exercise 3.7 Thinking critically about rhetorical situations
Exercise 4.1 Using strategies to explore a topic
Exercise 5.1 Evaluating a working thesis
Exercise 5.2 Drafting a preliminary working thesis
Exercise 5.4 Reflecting on organization
Exercise 5.5 Creating a plan
Exercise 5.6 Thinking critically about your writing process
Exercise 6.1 Reflecting on topic sentences
Exercise 6.2 Exploring a topic
Exercise 6.3 Reflecting on essay development
Exercise 6.4 Reflecting on organizing a comparison and contrast paragraph
Exercise 6.5 Brainstorming paragraph development
Exercise 6.6 Evaluating paragraph development
Exercise 6.7 Reflecting on paragraph breaks
Exercise 6.8 Reflecting on linking paragraphs
Exercise 6.9 Thinking critically about paragraphs
Exercise 7.1 Reflecting on your revision plan
Exercise 7.2 Preparing for peer review
Exercise 7.5 Thinking critically about your reviewing and revising process
Exercise 7.7 Revising your own paragraph
Exercise 7.8 Creating an editing checklist
Exercise 7.9 Thinking critically about editing and proofreading
Exercise 9.1 Previewing a text
Exercise 9.2 Annotating a text
Exercise 9.3 Analyzing a text
Exercise 9.5 Thinking critically about reading
Exercise 10.1 Analyzing an essay about free speech by Derek Bok
Exercise 10.2 Analyzing and responding to argument
Exercise 10.3 Thinking critically about analyzing arguments
Exercise 11.1 Determining whether a statement is arguable
Exercise 11.2 Drafting a working thesis and identifying claims, reasons, and assumptions
Exercise 11.3 Moving from topic to working thesis
Exercise 11.4 Collaborating to identify claims in advertisement
Exercise 11.5 Analyzing ethical appeals in a visual argument
Exercise 11.6 Reflecting on establishing credibility
Exercise 11.7 Identifying implied premises in deductive arguments
Exercise 11.8 Reflecting on logical appeals
Exercise 11.9 Considering emotional appeals
Exercise 11.10 Brainstorming emotional appeals
Exercise 11.11 Drafting an argument
Exercise 11.12 Thinking critically about constructing arguments
Exercise 12.1 Analyzing two possible topics
Exercise 12.2 Examining what you know about a topic
Exercise 12.3 Thinking critically about your own research
Exercise 13.1 Thinking critically about conducting research
Exercise 14.1 Evaluating potential sources
Exercise 14.3 Annotating a digital source
Exercise 14.4 Thinking critically about your evaluation of sources
Exercise 15.1 Reflecting on integrating sources
Exercise 15.2 Identifying plagiarism
Exercise 15.3 Thinking critically about your own acknowledgment of sources
Exercise 16.1 Testing your thesis
Exercise 16.2 Thinking critically about research projects
Exercise 17.1 Analyzing a communication assignment
Exercise 17.2 Reading journals in a discipline
Exercise 17.3 Thinking critically about reading and writing in a discipline
Exercise 18.1 Thinking critically about writing in the humanities
Exercise 19.1 Reading a literature review in the social sciences
Exercise 19.2 Thinking critically about writing in the social sciences
Exercise 20.1 Reading journal articles in the sciences
Exercise 20.2 Thinking critically about writing in the sciences
Exercise 21.1 Thinking critically about business writing
Exercise 22.1 Evaluating design elements in an assignment
Exercise 22.2 Thinking critically about design for writing
Exercise 23.1 Analyzing a presentation
Exercise 23.2 Thinking critically about oral and multimedia presentations
Exercise 24.1 Evaluating a website
Exercise 24.2 Thinking critically about multimodal texts
Exercise 25.1 Thinking critically about writing that makes something happen in the world
Exercise 26.1 Thinking critically about assumptions in your writing
Exercise 27.1 Revising sexist language
Exercise 27.2 Thinking critically about how language can build common ground
Exercise 28.1 Considering effects of standard English
Exercise 28.2 Thinking critically about language variety
Exercise 29.1 Analyzing informal and formal word choice
Exercise 29.2 Revising inconsistent formality
Exercise 29.3 Choosing words with appropriate denotation
Exercise 29.4 Choosing synonyms
Exercise 29.5 Revising to make language concrete
Exercise 29.6 Thinking critically about word choice
Exercise 29.7 Finding errors missed by a spell checker
Exercise 29.8 Using homonyms
Exercise 30.1 Using coordination
Exercise 30.2 Combining sentences using subordination
Exercise 30.3 Revising to highlight main ideas
Exercise 30.4 Thinking critically about coordination and subordination
Exercise 31.1 Revising sentence structure for consistency
Exercise 31.2 Revising for completeness and consistency
Exercise 31.3 Thinking critically about consistency and completeness
Exercise 32.1 Using parallel words and phrases
Exercise 32.2 Revising for errors in parallelsim
Exercise 32.3 Thinking critically about parallelism
Exercise 33.1 Revising to eliminate unnecessary shifts
Exercise 33.2 Thinking critically about shifts
Exercise 34.1 Rewriting sentences using the active voice
Exercise 34.2 Revising for conciseness
Exercise 34.3 Thinking critically about concise writing
Exercise 35.1 Revising for sentence length
Exercise 35.2 Thinking critically about sentence variety
Exercise 36.1 Identifying verbs
Exercise 36.2 Identifying nouns and articles
Exercise 36.3 Identifying pronouns and antecedents
Exercise 36.4 Identifying adjectives and adverbs
Exercise 36.5 Identifying prepositions
Exercise 36.6 Identifying conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs
Exercise 36.7 Thinking critically about parts of speech
Exercise 37.1 Identifying complete and simple subjects
Exercise 37.2 Identifying predicates and their components
Exercise 37.3 Identifying phrases
Exercise 37.4 Identifying clauses
Exercise 37.5 Adding dependent clauses to improve sentences
Exercise 37.6 Classifying sentences
Exercise 37.7 Thinking critically about sentences
Exercise 38.1 Writing the past tense or past participle of verbs
Exercise 38.2 Identifying appropriate verb forms
Exercise 38.3 Choosing correct verb forms
Exercise 38.4 Creating appropriate sequences of verb tenses
Exercise 38.5 Converting sentences to the active or passive voice
Exercise 38.6 Revising for appropriate subjunctive verb forms
Exercise 38.7 Thinking critically about verbs
Exercise 39.1 Rewriting sentences with noun or noun-phrase errors
Exercise 39.2 Adding articles to a passage
Exercise 40.1 Identifying appropriate verb forms
Exercise 40.2 Revising for subject-verb agreement
Exercise 40.3 Thinking critically about subject-verb agreement
Exercise 41.1 Choosing who, whoever, whom, or whomever
Exercise 41.2 Identifying appropriate pronouns
Exercise 41.3 Revising pronouns
Exercise 41.4 Revising to clarify pronoun reference
Exercise 41.5 Revising a paragraph to clarify pronoun reference
Exercise 41.6 Thinking critically about pronouns
Exercise 42.1 Revising adjectives and adverbs
Exercise 42.2 Revising for modifier use
Exercise 42.3 Thinking critically about adjectives and adverbs
Exercise 43.1 Moving misplaced modifiers for clarity
Exercise 43.2 Revising limiting and squinting modifiers
Exercise 43.3 Revising disruptive modifiers
Exercise 43.4 Revising dangling phrases
Exercise 43.5 Thinking critically about modifiers
Exercise 44.1 Revising to include prepositions
Exercise 44.2 Using two-word verbs correctly
Exercise 45.1 Revising to correct comma splices and fused sentences
Exercise 45.2 Evaluating methods for correcting comma splices
Exercise 45.3 Thinking critically about comma splices and fused sentences
Exercise 46.1 Revising to eliminate sentence fragments
Exercise 46.2 Finding, explaining, and revising sentence fragments
Exercise 46.3 Thinking critically about fragments
Exercise 47.1 Adding necessary commas
Exercise 47.2 Using commas and coordinating conjunctions
Exercise 47.3 Using commas to set off nonrestrictive elements
Exercise 47.4 Using commas to set off items in a series
Exercise 47.5 Using commas with contrasting elements, interjections, direct address, and tag questions
Exercise 47.6 Using commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers
Exercise 47.7 Using commas with quotations
Exercise 47.8 Thinking critically about commas
Exercise 48.1 Combining sentences using semicolons
Exercise 48.2 Revising for misused or overused semicolons
Exercise 48.3 Thinking critically about semicolons
Exercise 49.1 Revising for appropriate use of end punctuation
Exercise 49.2 Thinking critically about end punctuation
Exercise 50.1 Forming the possessive case using apostrophes
Exercise 50.2 Using apostrophes where appropriate
Exercise 50.3 Thinking critically about apostrophes
Exercise 51.1 Using quotation marks to signal titles, definitions, irony, or invented terms
Exercise 51.2 Thinking critically about quotation marks
Exercise 52.1 Revising using parentheses and brackets
Exercise 52.2 Revising using dashes
Exercise 52.3 Using colons as needed
Exercise 52.4 Writing using models of effective punctuation
Exercise 52.5 Thinking critically about punctuation
Exercise 53.1 Capitalizing as needed
Exercise 53.2 Evaluating and correcting capitalization
Exercise 53.3 Thinking critically about capitalization
Exercise 54.1 Eliminating inappropriate abbreviations
Exercise 54.2 Revising numbers for correctness and consistency
Exercise 54.3 Thinking critically about abbreviations and numbers
Exercise 55.1 Identifying words needing italicization
Exercise 55.2 Thinking critically about italics
Exercise 56.1 Inserting and deleting hyphens
Exercise 56.2 Thinking critically about hyphenation