Exercise 37.2 Identifying predicates and their components

Identify the predicate in each of the following sentences. Label each verb as linking, transitive, or intransitive. Finally, label any subject complements, object complements, direct objects, and indirect objects. Example:

We considered city life unbearable.

Predicate: considered city life unbearable

Transitive verb: considered

Direct object: city life

Object complement: unbearable

  1. He is proud of his heritage.


    He is proud of his heritage.

    He is proud of his heritage.
  2. The horrifying news story made me angry.


    The horrifying news story made me angry.

    The horrifying news story made me angry.
  3. The old house looks deserted.


    The old house looks deserted.

    The old house looks deserted.
  4. Rock and roll will never die.


    Rock and roll will never die.

    Rock and roll will never die.
  5. Chloe’s boss offered her a promotion.


    Chloe’s boss offered her a promotion.

    Chloe’s boss offered her a promotion.