Exercise 42.2 Revising for modifier use

Revise each of the following sentences to use modifiers correctly, clearly, and effectively. Many of the sentences can be revised in more than one way. Example:


  1. Alicia speaks both Russian and German, but she speaks Russian best.


    Alicia speaks both Russian and German, but she speaks Russian best.

    Alicia speaks both Russian and German, but she speaks Russian best.
  2. The summers are more rainier in New York than they are in Seattle.


    The summers are more rainier in New York than they are in Seattle.

    The summers are more rainier in New York than they are in Seattle.
  3. He glanced at the menu and ordered the expensivest wine on the list.


    He glanced at the menu and ordered the expensivest wine on the list.

    He glanced at the menu and ordered the expensivest wine on the list.
  4. Most of the elderly are women because women tend to live longer.


    Most of the elderly are women because women tend to live longer.

    Most of the elderly are women because women tend to live longer.
  5. Minneapolis is the largest of the Twin Cities.


    Minneapolis is the largest of the Twin Cities.

    Minneapolis is the largest of the Twin Cities.
  6. She came up with the most silliest plan for revenge.


    She came up with the most silliest plan for revenge.

    She came up with the most silliest plan for revenge.
  7. Our theater company has produced several of the famousest classical Greek plays.


    Our theater company has produced several of the famousest classical Greek plays.

    Our theater company has produced several of the famousest classical Greek plays.
  8. The student cafeteria is operated by a college food service system chain.


    The student cafeteria is operated by a college food service system chain.

    The student cafeteria is operated by a college food service system chain.
  9. It is safer to jog in daylight.


    It is safer to jog in daylight.

    It is safer to jog in daylight.
  10. Evan argued that subtitled films are boringer to watch than films dubbed in English.


    Evan argued that subtitled films are boringer to watch than films dubbed in English.

    Evan argued that subtitled films are boringer to watch than films dubbed in English.