Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses, phrases, and appositives in any of the following sentences that contain such elements.
What can you buy for the person who has everything?
Embalming is a technique that preserves a cadaver.
The enormous new house which was the largest in the neighborhood had replaced a much smaller old home.
The rescue workers exhausted and discouraged stared ahead without speaking.
The new mall has the same stores and restaurants as all the other malls in town.
Viruses unlike bacteria can reproduce only by infecting live cells.
Napoléon was imprisoned after his defeat at the battle of Waterloo.
Hammurabi an ancient Babylonian king created laws that were carved on a stone for public display.
Birds’ hearts have four chambers whereas reptiles’ have three.
A female cheetah hisses and swats if another animal gets too close to her young.