Exercise 52.3 Using colons as needed

In the following items, insert a colon in any sentence that needs one and delete any unnecessary colons. Some sentences may be correct as written. Example:


  1. After discussing the case study, the class reached one main conclusion in any business, the most important asset is the customer.


    After discussing the case study, the class reached one main conclusion in any business, the most important asset is the customer.

    After discussing the case study, the class reached one main conclusion in any business, the most important asset is the customer.
  2. Another example is taken from Psalm 139 16.


    Another example is taken from Psalm 139 16.

    Another example is taken from Psalm 139 16.
  3. Roberto tried to make healthier choices, such as: eating organic food, walking to work, and getting plenty of rest.


    Roberto tried to make healthier choices, such as: eating organic food, walking to work, and getting plenty of rest.

    Roberto tried to make healthier choices, such as: eating organic food, walking to work, and getting plenty of rest.
  4. A number of quotable movie lines come from Casablanca, including “Round up the usual suspects.”


    A number of quotable movie lines come from Casablanca, including “Round up the usual suspects.”

    A number of quotable movie lines come from Casablanca, including “Round up the usual suspects.”
  5. Sofi rushed to catch the 5 45 express but missed it and had to wait for the 6 19.


    Sofi rushed to catch the 5 45 express but missed it and had to wait for the 6 19.

    Sofi rushed to catch the 5 45 express but missed it and had to wait for the 6 19.