Reading with an eye for abbreviations and numbers
The paragraph by Roger Angell at the end of Chapter 56 follows the style of the New Yorker magazine, which often spells out numbers in situations where this chapter recommends using figures. Read the paragraph carefully, and then consider whether it would have been easier to read if figures had been used for some of the numbers. If so, which ones? Then consider how the paragraph would have been different if Angell had used semi-
The paragraph by Roger Angell at the end of Chapter 63 follows the style of the New Yorker magazine, which often spells out numbers in situations where this chapter recommends using figures. Read the paragraph carefully, and then consider whether it would have been easier to read if figures had been used for some of the numbers. If so, which ones? Then consider how the paragraph would have been different if Angell had used semi-
Thinking about your own use of abbreviations and numbers
Compare the way you have used abbreviations and numbers in a piece of formal writing for a class and in a sample of your informal writing. How are they different? Have you followed conventions for correctness, consistency, and appropriateness in both pieces of writing? If you discover a problem with abbreviations or numbers, make a note of it so that you can follow conventions appropriately in the future.
Compare the way you have used abbreviations and numbers in a piece of formal writing for a class and in a sample of your informal writing. How are they different? Have you followed conventions for correctness, consistency, and appropriateness in both pieces of writing? If you discover a problem with abbreviations or numbers, make a note of it so that you can follow conventions appropriately in the future.