Exercise 22.2 Thinking critically about design for writing

Look at a print text you have recently completed. Using the advice in this chapter, assess your use of visual structure, consistent use of conventions for guiding readers through your text, and use of visuals. Then take a look at an online text that you have composed—a Web page or a blog posting or an invitation or announcement of some kind—and make the same kind of assessment. Then write a brief analysis of how well each text is designed and how you could improve either or both.


Look at a print text you have recently completed. Using the advice in this chapter, assess your use of visual structure, consistent use of conventions for guiding readers through your text, and use of visuals. Then take a look at an online text that you have composed—a Web page or a blog posting or an invitation or announcement of some kind—and make the same kind of assessment. Then write a brief analysis of how well each text is designed and how you could improve either or both.

Look at a print text you have recently completed. Using the advice in this chapter, assess your use of visual structure, consistent use of conventions for guiding readers through your text, and use of visuals. Then take a look at an online text that you have composed—a Web page or a blog posting or an invitation or announcement of some kind—and make the same kind of assessment. Then write a brief analysis of how well each text is designed and how you could improve either or both.