Annotated scholarly article (Sanchez, Lum)

Fernando Sanchez and Sarah Lum were assigned to read and annotate the article "Mistakes Are a Fact of Life: A National Comparative Study" by Andrea A. Lunsford and Karen Lunsford, which was published in College Composition and Communication in 2008. After reading the article with their annotations, answer the questions below.

Reflecting on critical reading

  1. How would you sum up Fernando Sanchez's and Sarah Lum's responses to the article? Based on their annotations, what main points are they taking from the reading?


    How would you sum up Fernando Sanchez's and Sarah Lum's responses to the article? Based on their annotations, what main points are they taking from the reading?
  2. What else do you notice as a reader? Add at least one annotation to this article, identifying the page number and section you are commenting on.


    What else do you notice as a reader? Add at least one annotation to this article, identifying the page number and section you are commenting on.
  3. What is the best advice you can give another student who is assigned to read an article in an academic journal?


    What is the best advice you can give another student who is assigned to read an article in an academic journal?