Respond: Understanding Arguments of Fact

Respond: Understanding Arguments of Fact


Question 8.1

For each topic in the following list, decide whether the claim is worth arguing to a college audience, and explain why or why not.

Earthquakes are increasing in number and intensity.
Many people die annually of heart disease.
Fewer people would be obese if they followed the Paleo Diet.
Japan might have come to terms more readily in 1945 if the Allies in World War II hadn’t demanded unconditional surrender
Boys would do better in school if there were more men teaching in elementary and secondary classrooms.
The sharp drop in oil prices could lead drivers to go back to buying gas-guzzling trucks and SUVs.
There aren’t enough high-paying jobs for college graduates these days.
Hydrogen may never be a viable alternative to fossil fuels because it takes too much energy to change hydrogen into a usable form.
Proponents of the Keystone Pipe Line have exaggerated the benefits it will bring to the American economy.

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