Respond: Making a Strong and Clear Claim
For each problem and solution below, make a list of readers’ likely objections to the solution offered. Then propose a solution of your own, and explain why you think it’s more workable than the original.
Future deficits in the Social Security systemSolution
Raise the age of retirement to seventy-two.
Severe grade inflation in college coursesSolution
Require a prescribed distribution of grades in every class: 10% A; 20% B; 40% C; 20% D; 10% F.
Increasing rates of obesity in the general populationSolution
Ban the sale of high-fat sandwiches and entrees in fast-food restaurants.
Inattentive driving because drivers are textingSolution
Institute a one-year mandatory prison sentence for the first offense.
Increase in sexual assaults on and around campusSolution
Establish a 10:00 p.m. curfew on weekends.