Respond: Avoiding Patchwriting

Respond: Avoiding Patchwriting


Question 20.1

1. Select one of the essays from Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 17. Following the guidelines in this chapter, write a paraphrase of the essay that you might use subsequently in an academic argument. Be careful to describe the essay accurately and to note on what pages specific ideas or claims are located. The language of the paraphrase should be entirely your own — though you may include direct quotations of phrases, sentences, or longer passages you would likely use in a paper. Be sure these quotations are introduced and cited in your paraphrase: Pearson claims that nuclear power is safe, even asserting that “your toaster is far more likely to kill you than any nuclear power plant” (175). When you are done, trade your paraphrase with a partner to get feedback on its clarity and accuracy.

Question 20.2

2. Summarize three readings or fairly lengthy passages from Parts 1–3 of this book, following the guidelines in this chapter. Open the item with a correct MLA or APA citation for the piece (see Chapter 22). Then provide the summary itself. Follow up with a one- or two-sentence evaluation of the work describing its potential value as a source in an academic argument. In effect, you will be preparing three items that might appear in an annotated bibliography. Here’s an example:

Pearson, Taylor. “Why You Should Fear Your Toaster More Than Nuclear Power.” Everything’s an Argument. By Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2016. Print. Argues that since the dangers of nuclear power (death, radiation, waste) are actually less than those of energy sources we rely on today, nuclear plants represent the only practical way to generate the power we need and still reduce greenhouse gases. The journalistic piece provides many interesting facts about nuclear energy, but is informally documented and so does not identify its sources in detail or include a bibliography.

Question 20.3

3. Working with a partner, agree upon an essay that you will both read from Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 17, examining it as a potential source for a research argument. As you read it, choose about a half-dozen words, phrases, or short passages that you would likely quote if you used the essay in a paper and attach a frame or signal phrase to each quotation. Then compare the passages you selected to quote with those your partner culled from the same essay. How do your choices of quoted material create an image or ethos for the original author that differs from the one your partner has created? How do the signal phrases shape a reader’s sense of the author’s position? Which set of quotations best represents the author’s argument? Why?

Question 20.4

4. Select one of the essays from Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 17 to examine the different ways an author uses source materials to support claims. Begin by highlighting the signal phrases you find attached to borrowed ideas or direct quotations. How well do they introduce or frame this material? Then categorize the various ways the author actually uses particular sources. For example, look for sources that provide context for the topic, review the scholarly literature, define key concepts or terms, explain technical details, furnish evidence, or lay out contrary opinions. When you are done, write a paragraph assessing the author’s handling of sources in the piece. Are the borrowed materials integrated well with the author’s own thoughts? Do the sources represent an effective synthesis of ideas?

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