Start your list on a separate page after the text of your document and any notes.
Continue the consecutive numbering of pages.
Center the heading Works Cited (not italicized or in quotation marks) one inch from the top of the page.
Begin each entry flush with the left margin, but indent subsequent lines one-half inch. Double-space the entire list.
List sources alphabetically by the first word. Start with the author’s name, if available; if not, use the editor’s name, if available. If no author or editor is given, start with the title.
List the author’s last name first, followed by a comma and the first name. If a source has multiple authors, subsequent authors’ names appear first name first (see model 2).
Italicize titles of books and long works, but put titles of articles and other short works in quotation marks.
In general, use a period and a space after each element of the entry; look at the models in this chapter for information on punctuating particular kinds of entries.
For a book, list the city of publication (add a country abbreviation for non-U.S. cities that may be unfamiliar). Follow it with a colon and a shortened form of the publisher’s name—omit Co. or Inc., shorten names such as Simon & Schuster to Simon, and abbreviate University Press to UP.
List dates of periodical publication or of access to electronic items in day, month, year order, and abbreviate months except for May, June, and July.
Give a medium, such as Print or Web, for each entry.
List inclusive page numbers for a part of a larger work.