MLA SOURCE MAP: Works from Web Sites

You may need to browse other parts of a site to find some of the following elements, and some sites may omit elements. Uncover as much information as you can.

image Author. List the last name first. End with a period. If no author is given, begin with the title. For variations, see models 2–5.

image Title of work. Enclose the title and any subtitle of the work in quotation marks.

image Title of Web site. Give the title of the entire Web site, italicized.

image Publisher or sponsor. Look for the sponsor’s name at the bottom of the home page. If no information is available, write N.p. Follow it with a comma.

image Date of publication or latest update. Give the most recent date, followed by a period. If no date is available, use n.d.

image Medium. Use Web and follow it with a period.

image Date of access. Give the date you accessed the work. End with a period.

A citation for the work on p. 491 would look like this:

Tønnesson, Øyvind. “Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate.” Nobel Foundation, 1 Dec. 1999. Web. 4 May 2005.
