Writer and filmmaker Ruth Ozeki has written widely on issues related to the environment. In this June 2009 posting from her blog, Ozeki appeals to readers to step back and cultivate silence as a necessary prelude to making difficult decisions. Who is the “we” that Ozeki addresses? What views and values do you think she expects her readers to share with her? Note the strategies the writer uses to establish common ground with readers in this paragraph.I’m more and more convinced that we need to cultivate mindful silence, and share it with others whenever possible, if we are going to be able to make the careful and difficult choices we will need to make in order to survive in a wired and warming world. This seems to me to be a key piece of activism and eco-pedagogy that we can all learn to cultivate.—RUTH OZEKI, Ozekiland

Ruth Ozeki appeals to a sense of community and thoughtfulness. By using the word we multiple times, she incorporates a feeling of togetherness. Ozeki pleads for understanding and patience among individuals, and also acknowledges the rapidly changing world. Her precise word choice and delicate yet passionate tone indicate her sobriety when discussing such urgent environmental matters. All of this, along with her description of human survival and compassion in the modern world, work to appeal to readers on an emotional level.