Abbreviate some titles before and all titles after proper names.

Ms. Susanna Moller Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Mr. Aaron Oforlea Karen Lancry, MD
Dr. Cheryl Gold Samuel Cohen, PhD

Other titles—including religious, academic, and government titles—should be spelled out in academic writing. In other writing, they can be abbreviated before a full name but should be written out when used with only a last name.

Rev. Fleming Rutledge Reverend Rutledge
Prof. Jaime Mejía Professor Mejía
Gen. Colin Powell General Powell

Do not use both a title and an academic degree with a person’s name. Use one or the other. Instead of Dr. Beverly Moss, PhD, write Dr. Beverly Moss or Beverly Moss, PhD. (Note that academic degrees such as RN and PhD often appear without periods; see 41a.)