Directory to {em}Chicago{/em} style for notes and bibliographic entries


Chicago style for notes and bibliographic entries

image Print and online books

1. One author

source map

2. Multiple authors

3. Organization as author

4. Unknown author

5. Online book

6. Electronic book (e-book)

7. Edited book with no author

8. Edited book with author

9. Selection in an anthology or chapter in a book, with an editor

10. Introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword

11. Translation

12. Edition other than the first

13. Multivolume work

14. Reference work

15. Work with a title within the title

16. Sacred text

17. Source quoted in another source

Print and online periodicals

18. Article in a print journal

19. Article in an online journal

20. Journal article from a database

source map

21. Article in a print magazine

22. Article in an online magazine

23. Magazine article from a database

24. Article in a newspaper

25. Article in an online newspaper

26. Newspaper article from a database

27. Book review

image Online Sources

28. Web site

29. Work from a Web site

source map

30. Blog (Web log) post

31. Email and other personal communications

32. Podcast

33. Online audio or video

Other sources

34. Published or broadcast interview

35. Video or DVD

36. Sound recording

37. Work of art

38. Pamphlet, report, or brochure

39. Government document