At a Glance: Editing for Appropriate Language and Spelling

Editing for Appropriate Language and Spelling


Editing for Appropriate Language and Spelling

  • Check to see that your language reflects the appropriate level of formality for your audience, purpose, and topic. (23a)
  • Unless you are writing for a specialized audience that will understand jargon, either define technical terms or replace them with words that are easy to understand. (23a)
  • Consider the connotations of words carefully. If you say someone is pushy, be sure you mean to be critical; otherwise, use a word like assertive. (23b)
  • Use both general and specific words. If you are writing about the general category beds, for example, do you give enough concrete detail (an antique four-poster bed)? (23c)
  • Look for clichés, and replace them with fresher language. (23d)
  • Use spell checkers with care. (23e)