Citing Digital Sources
When citing sources accessed online or from an electronic database, give as many of the following elements as you can find:
1. Author. Give the author’s name, if available.
2. Title. Put titles of articles or short works in quotation marks. Italicize book titles.
For works from databases: | For works from the Web: |
3. Title of periodical, italicized. | 3. Title of the site, italicized. |
4. Publication information. After the volume/issue/year or date, include page numbers (or n. pag. if no page numbers are listed). | 4. Name of the publisher or sponsor. This information usually appears at the bottom of the page. |
5. Name of database, italicized, if you used a subscription service such as Academic Search Premier. | 5. Date of online publication or most recent update. This information often appears at the bottom of the page. If no date is given, use n.d. |
6. Medium of publication. Use Web.
7. Date of access. Give the most recent date you accessed the source.
If you think your readers will have difficulty finding the source without a URL, put it after the period following the date of access, inside angle brackets, with a period after the closing bracket.