At a Glance: Word Choice

Word Choice


Word Choice

  • Are the nouns primarily abstract and general or concrete and specific? Too many abstract and general nouns can result in boring prose.
  • Are there too many nouns in relation to the number of verbs? This sentence is heavy and boring: The effect of the overuse of nouns in writing is the placement of strain on the verbs. Instead, say this: Overusing nouns places a strain on the verbs.
  • How many verbs are forms of be–be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been? If be verbs account for more than about a third of your total verbs, you are probably overusing them.
  • Are verbs active wherever possible? Passive verbs are harder to read and remember than active ones. Although the passive voice has many uses, your writing will gain strength and energy if you use active verbs.
  • Are your words appropriate? Check to be sure they are not too fancy–or too casual.