Table : TABLE 20.4
Comparison of Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical ConditioningOperant Conditioning
Basic ideaOrganism associates eventsOrganism associates behavior and resulting events
ResponseInvoluntary, automaticVoluntary, operates on environment
AcquisitionAssociating events; NS is paired with US and becomes CSAssociating response with a consequence (reinforcer or punisher)
ExtinctionCR decreases when CS is repeatedly presented aloneResponding decreases when reinforcement stops
Spontaneous recoveryThe reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished CRThe reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished response
GeneralizationThe tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CSOrganism’s response to similar stimuli is also reinforced
DiscriminationThe learned ability to distinguish between a CS and other stimuli that do not signal a USOrganism learns that certain responses, but not others, will be reinforced
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