Table : TABLE 44.1
Selected Cognitive Therapy Techniques
Aim of TechniqueTechniqueTherapists’ Directives
Reveal beliefsQuestion your interpretationsExplore your beliefs, revealing faulty assumptions such as “I must be liked by everyone.”
Rank thoughts and emotionsGain perspective by ranking your thoughts and emotions from mildly to extremely upsetting.
Test beliefsExamine consequencesExplore difficult situations, assessing possible consequences and challenging faulty reasoning.
Decatastrophize thinkingWork through the actual worst-case consequences of the situation you face (it is often not as bad as imagined). Then determine how to cope with the real situation you face.
Change beliefsTake appropriate responsibilityChallenge total self-blame and negative thinking, noting aspects for which you may be truly responsible, as well as aspects that aren’t your responsibility.
Resist extremesDevelop new ways of thinking and feeling to replace maladaptive habits. For example, change from thinking “I am a total failure” to “I got a failing grade on that paper, and I can make these changes to succeed next time.”