1.4 Contemporary Psychology

1-4 How has our understanding of biology and experience, culture and gender, and human flourishing shaped contemporary psychology?

Psychology’s roots lie in many disciplines and countries. The young science of psychology developed from the more established fields of philosophy and biology. Wundt was both a philosopher and a physiologist. Ivan Pavlov, who pioneered the study of learning, was a Russian physiologist. Freud was an Austrian physician. Jean Piaget, the last century’s most influential observer of children, was a Swiss biologist. James was an American philosopher. This list of pioneering psychologists—“Magellans of the mind,” as science writer Morton Hunt (1993) has called them—illustrates the diversity of psychology’s origins.

Like the pioneers, today’s psychologists are citizens of many lands. The International Union of Psychological Science has 82 member nations, from Albania to Zimbabwe. Psychology is growing and it is globalizing. The story of psychology is being written in many places, with interests ranging from nerve cell activity to international conflicts.

The Cognitive Revolution

cognitive neuroscience the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language).

Psychologists in the 1960s pioneered a “cognitive revolution,” leading the field back to its early interest in mental processes. Cognitive psychology today continues its scientific exploration of how we perceive, process, and remember information, and the cognitive roots of anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. Cognitive neuroscience was birthed by the marriage of cognitive psychology (the science of mind) and neuroscience (the science of brain). This interdisciplinary field studies the brain activity underlying mental activity.

Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior Genetics

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nature–nurture issue the longstanding controversy over the relative contributions that genes and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors. Today’s science sees traits and behaviors arising from the interaction of nature and nurture.

A nature-made nature–nurture experiment Because identical twins have the same genes, they are ideal participants in studies designed to shed light on hereditary and environmental influences on intelligence, personality, and other traits. Studies of identical and fraternal twins provide a rich array of findings—described in later modules—that underscore the importance of both nature and nurture
Rubberball/Getty Images / © Tony Freeman/PhotoEdit—All rights reserved

Are our human traits present at birth, or do they develop through experience? The debate over this huge nature–nurture issue is ancient. Greek philosopher Plato (428–348 B.C.E.) assumed that we inherit character and intelligence and that certain ideas are inborn. Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.) countered that there is nothing in the mind that does not first come in from the external world through the senses.

natural selection the principle that those chance inherited traits that better enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations.

More insight into nature’s influence on behavior arose after a 22-year-old seafaring voyager, Charles Darwin, pondered the incredible species variation he encountered, including tortoises on one island that differed from those on nearby islands. His 1859 On the Origin of Species explained this diversity by proposing the evolutionary process of natural selection: From among chance variations, nature selects traits that best enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. Darwin’s principle of natural selection is still with us 150+ years later as biology’s organizing principle, and now an important principle for twenty-first-century psychology. This would surely have pleased Darwin, who believed his theory explained not only animal structures (such as a polar bear’s white coat) but also animal behaviors (such as the emotional expressions associated with human lust and rage).

evolutionary psychology the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection.

behavior genetics the study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior.

The nature–nurture issue recurs throughout this text as today’s psychologists explore the relative contributions of biology and experience. They ask, for example, how are we humans alike because of our common biology and evolutionary history? That’s the focus of evolutionary psychology. And how are we diverse because of our differing genes and environments? That’s the focus of behavior genetics. Are gender differences biologically predisposed or socially constructed? Is children’s grammar mostly innate or formed by experience? How are intelligence and personality differences influenced by heredity, and by environment? Are sexual behaviors more “pushed” by inner biology or “pulled” by external incentives? Should we treat psychological disorders—depression, for example—as disorders of the brain, disorders of thought, or both?

Over and over again we will see that in contemporary science, the nature–nurture tension dissolves: Nurture works on what nature endows. Our species is biologically endowed with an enormous capacity to learn and adapt. Moreover, every psychological event (every thought, every emotion) is simultaneously a biological event. Thus, depression can be both a brain disorder and a thought disorder.



How did the cognitive revolution affect the field of psychology?

ANSWER: It recaptured the field's early interest in mental processes and made them legitimate topics for scientific study.


What is natural selection?

ANSWER: This is the process by which nature selects from chance variations the traits that best enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.


What is contemporary psychology's position on the nature–nurture issue?

ANSWER: Psychological events often stem from the interaction of nature and nurture, rather than from either of them acting alone.

Cross-Cultural and Gender Psychology

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“All people are the same; only their habits differ.”

Confucius, 551–479 B.C.E.

culture the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, values, and traditions shared by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next.

Culture and kissing Kissing crosses cultures. Yet how we do it varies. Imagine yourself kissing someone on the lips. Do you tilt your head right or left? In Western cultures, in which people read from left to right, about two-thirds of couples kiss right, as in William and Kate’s famous kiss, and in Auguste Rodin’s sculpture, The Kiss. In one study, 77 percent of Hebrew- and Arabic-language right-to-left readers kissed tilting left (Shaki, 2013).
© Hemis/Alamy / Mark Cuthbert/UK Press Getty Images

What can we learn about people in general from psychological studies done in one time and place—often with participants from what some psychologists (Henrich et al., 2010) call the WEIRD cultures (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic)? As we will see time and again, culture—shared ideas and behaviors that one generation passes on to the next—matters. Our culture shapes our standards of promptness and frankness, our attitudes toward premarital sex and varying body shapes, our tendency to be casual or formal, our willingness to make eye contact, our conversational distance, and much, much more. Being aware of such differences, we can restrain our assumptions that others will think and act as we do.

It is also true, however, that our shared biological heritage unites us as a universal human family. The same underlying processes guide people everywhere. Some examples:

We are each in certain respects like all others, like some others, and like no other. Studying people of all races and cultures helps us discern our similarities and our differences, our human kinship and our diversity.

You will see throughout this book that gender matters, too. Researchers report gender differences in what we dream, in how we express and detect emotions, and in our risk for alcohol use disorder, depression, and eating disorders. Gender differences fascinate us, and studying them is potentially beneficial. For example, many researchers have observed that women carry on conversations more readily to build relationships, while men talk more to give information and advice (Tannen, 2001). Knowing this difference can help us prevent conflicts and misunderstandings in everyday interactions.

But again, psychologically as well as biologically, women and men are overwhelmingly similar. Whether female or male, we learn to walk at about the same age. We experience the same sensations of light and sound. We remember vivid emotional events and forget mundane details. We feel the same pangs of hunger, desire, and fear. We exhibit similar overall intelligence and well-being.

The point to remember: Even when specific attitudes and behaviors vary by gender or across cultures, as they often do, the underlying processes are much the same.

Positive Psychology

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positive psychology the scientific study of human functioning, with the goals of discovering and promoting strengths and virtues that help individuals and communities to thrive.

Psychology’s first hundred years focused on understanding and treating troubles, such as abuse and anxiety, depression and disease, prejudice and poverty. Much of today’s psychology continues the exploration of such challenges. Without slighting the need to repair damage and cure disease, Martin Seligman and others (2002, 2005, 2011) have called for more research on human flourishing. These psychologists call their approach positive psychology. They believe that happiness is a by-product of a pleasant, engaged, and meaningful life. Thus, positive psychology uses scientific methods to explore the building of a “good life” that engages our skills, and a “meaningful life” that points beyond ourselves.

Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

1-5 What are psychology’s levels of analysis and related perspectives?

Each of us is a complex system that is part of a larger social system. But each of us is also composed of smaller systems, such as our nervous system and body organs, which are composed of still smaller systems—cells, molecules, and atoms.

levels of analysis the differing complementary views, from biological to psychological to social-cultural, for analyzing any given phenomenon.

biopsychosocial approach an integrated approach that incorporates biological, psychological, and social-cultural levels of analysis.

These tiered systems suggest different levels of analysis, which offer complementary outlooks. It’s like explaining horrific school shootings. Is it because the shooters have brain disorders or genetic tendencies that cause them to be violent? Because they have been rewarded for violent behavior? Because they live in a gun-promoting society that accepts violence? Such perspectives are complementary because “everything is related to everything else” (Brewer, 1996). Together, different levels of analysis form a biopsychosocial approach, which integrates biological, psychological, and social-cultural factors (FIGURE 1.1).

Figure 1.1: FIGURE 1.1 Biopsychosocial approach This integrated viewpoint incorporates various levels of analysis and offers a more complete picture of any given behavior or mental process.

Each level provides a valuable playing card in psychology’s explanatory deck. It’s a vantage point for viewing a behavior or mental process, yet each by itself is incomplete. Like different academic disciplines, psychology’s varied perspectives ask different questions and have their own limits. The different perspectives described in TABLE 1.1 complement one another. Consider, for example, how they shed light on anger:

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Table 1.1: TABLE 1.1
Psychology’s Current Perspectives
Perspective Focus Sample Questions Examples of Subfields Using This Perspective
Neuroscience How the body and brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences How do pain messages travel from the hand to the brain? How is blood chemistry linked with moods and motives? Biological; cognitive; clinical
Evolutionary How the natural selection of traits has promoted the survival of genes How does evolution influence behavior tendencies? Biological; developmental; social
Behavior genetics How our genes and our environment influence our individual differences To what extent are psychological traits such as intelligence, personality, sexual orientation, and vulnerability to depression products of our genes? Of our environment? Personality; developmental; legal/forensic
Psychodynamic How behavior springs from unconscious drives and conflicts How can someone’s personality traits and disorders be explained by unfulfilled wishes and childhood traumas? Clinical; counseling; personality
Behavioral How we learn observable responses How do we learn to fear particular objects or situations? What is the most effective way to alter our behavior, say, to lose weight or stop smoking? Clinical; counseling; industrial-organizational
Cognitive How we encode, process, store, and retrieve information How do we use information in remembering? Reasoning? Solving problems? Cognitive neuroscience; clinical; counseling; industrial-organizational
Social-cultural How behavior and thinking vary across situations and cultures How are we alike as members of one human family? How do we differ as products of our environment? Developmental; social; clinical; counseling

The point to remember: Like two-dimensional views of a three-dimensional object, each of psychology’s perspectives is helpful. But each by itself fails to reveal the whole picture.



What advantage do we gain by using the biopsychosocial approach in studying psychological events?

ANSWER: By incorporating different levels of analysis, the biopsychosocial approach can provide a more complete view than any one perspective could offer.


The perspective in psychology focuses on how behavior and thought differ from situation to situation and from culture to culture, while the perspective emphasizes observation of how we respond to and learn in different situations.

Psychology’s Subfields

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1-6 What are psychology’s main subfields?

The New Yorker Collection, 1986, J.B. Handelsman from cartoonbank.com

Picturing a chemist at work, you probably envision a scientist in a laboratory, surrounded by test tubes and high-tech equipment. Picture a psychologist at work and you would be right to envision

Psychology: A science and a profession Psychologists experiment with, observe, test, and modify behavior. Here we see psychologists doing face-to-face therapy, measuring emotion-related physiology, and testing a child.
© Laurent/Glick/BSIP/AGE Fotostock / Hope College Public Relations / Scott J. Ferrell/CQ-Roll Call,Inc./Getty Images

The cluster of subfields we call psychology is a meeting ground for different disciplines. Thus, it’s a perfect home for those with wide-ranging interests. In its diverse activities, from biological experimentation to cultural comparisons, psychology is united by a common quest: describing and explaining behavior and the mind underlying it.

basic research pure science that aims to increase the scientific knowledge base.

Some psychologists conduct basic research that builds psychology’s knowledge base. We will meet a wide variety of such researchers, including biological psychologists exploring the links between brain and mind; developmental psychologists studying our changing abilities from womb to tomb; cognitive psychologists experimenting with how we perceive, think, and solve problems; personality psychologists investigating our persistent traits; and social psychologists exploring how we view and affect one another.

applied research scientific study that aims to solve practical problems.

These and other psychologists also may conduct applied research, tackling practical problems. Industrial-organizational psychologists, for example, use psychology’s concepts and methods in the workplace to help organizations and companies select and train employees, boost morale and productivity, design products, and implement systems.

Psychology in court Forensic psychologists apply psychology’s principles and methods in the criminal justice system. They may assess witness credibility, or testify in court on a defendant’s state of mind and future risk.
Ted Fitzgerald/AP Photo

counseling psychology a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living (often related to school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being.

clinical psychology a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders.

psychiatry a branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders; practiced by physicians who sometimes provide medical (for example, drug) treatments as well as psychological therapy.

Although most psychology textbooks focus on psychological science, psychology is also a helping profession devoted to such practical issues as how to have a happy marriage, how to overcome anxiety or depression, and how to raise thriving children. As a science, psychology at its best bases such interventions on evidence of effectiveness. Counseling psychologists help people to cope with challenges and crises (including academic, vocational, and marital issues) and to improve their personal and social functioning. Clinical psychologists assess and treat people with mental, emotional, and behavior disorders. Both counseling and clinical psychologists administer and interpret tests, provide counseling and therapy, and sometimes conduct basic and applied research. By contrast, psychiatrists, who also may provide psychotherapy, are medical doctors licensed to prescribe drugs and otherwise treat physical causes of psychological disorders.

community psychology a branch of psychology that studies how people interact with their social environments and how social institutions affect individuals and groups.

Rather than seeking to change people to fit their environment, community psychologists work to create social and physical environments that are healthy for all (Bradshaw et al., 2009; Trickett, 2009). To prevent bullying, for example, they might study how the school and neighborhood foster bullying and how to increase bystander intervention (Polanin et al., 2012).

image Want to learn more? See Appendix C, Subfields of Psychology, at the end of this book, and go to LaunchPad’s regularly updated Careers in Psychology resource to learn about the many interesting options available to those with bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in psychology.

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With perspectives ranging from the biological to the social, and with settings ranging from the laboratory to the clinic to the office, psychology relates to many fields. Psychologists teach not only in psychology departments, but also in medical schools, business schools, law schools, and theological seminaries, and they work in hospitals, factories, and corporate offices. They engage in interdisciplinary studies, such as psychohistory (the study of people’s historical motivations), psycholinguistics (the study of language and thinking), and psychoceramics (the study of crackpots).1

Psychology also influences culture. And psychology deepens our appreciation for how we humans perceive, think, feel, and act. By so doing it can indeed enrich our lives and enlarge our vision. Through this book we hope to help guide you toward that end. As educator Charles Eliot said a century ago: “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends, and the most patient of teachers.”


Match the specialty on the left with the description on the right.


Clinical psychology
Counseling psychology
Helps people cope with life challenges, such as issues at school, at work, or in relationships.
Branch of medicine dealing with psychological disorders.
Studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders but usually does not provide medical therapy.
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