17.1 Light Energy and Eye Structures

17-1 What are the characteristics of the energy that we see as visible light? What structures in the eye help focus that energy?

Our eyes receive light energy and transduce (transform) it into neural messages that our brain then processes into what we consciously see. How does such a taken-for-granted yet extraordinary thing happen?

The Stimulus Input: Light Energy

When you look at a bright red tulip, the stimuli striking your eyes are not particles of the color red but pulses of electromagnetic energy that your visual system perceives as red. What we see as visible light is but a thin slice of the whole spectrum of electromagnetic energy, ranging from imperceptibly short gamma waves to the long waves of radio transmission (FIGURE 17.1 below). Other organisms are sensitive to differing portions of the spectrum. Bees, for instance, cannot see what we perceive as red but can see ultraviolet light.

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Figure 6.12: FIGURE 17.1 The wavelengths we see What we see as light is only a tiny slice of a wide spectrum of electromagnetic energy, which ranges from gamma rays as short as the diameter of an atom to radio waves over a mile long. The wavelengths visible to the human eye (shown enlarged) extend from the shorter waves of blue-violet light to the longer waves of red light.

wavelength the distance from the peak of one light wave or sound wave to the peak of the next. Electromagnetic wavelengths vary from the short blips of cosmic rays to the long pulses of radio transmission.

hue the dimension of color that is determined by the wavelength of light; what we know as the color names blue, green, and so forth.

intensity the amount of energy in a light wave or sound wave, which influences what we perceive as brightness or loudness. Intensity is determined by the wave’s amplitude (height).

Two physical characteristics of light help determine our experience. Light’s wavelength—the distance from one wave peak to the next (FIGURE 17.2a below)—determines its hue (the color we experience, such as a tulip’s red petals or green leaves). Intensity—the amount of energy in light waves (determined by a wave’s amplitude, or height)—influences brightness (FIGURE 17.2b). To understand how we transform physical energy into color and meaning, consider the eye.

Figure 6.13: FIGURE 17.2 The physical properties of waves (a) Waves vary in wavelength (the distance between successive peaks). Frequency, the number of complete wavelengths that can pass a point in a given time, depends on the wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the frequency. Wavelength determines the perceived color of light. (b) Waves also vary in amplitude (the height from peak to trough). Wave amplitude influences the perceived brightness of colors.

The Eye

Light enters the eye through the cornea, which bends light to help provide focus (FIGURE 17.3 below). The light then passes through the pupil, a small adjustable opening surrounded by the iris, a colored muscle that controls the size of the pupil by dilating or constricting in response to light intensity—or even to imagining a sunny sky or a dark room (Laeng & Sulutvedt, 2014). The iris also responds to our cognitive and emotional states. When you feel disgust or you are about to answer No to a question, your pupils constrict (de Gee et al., 2014; Goldinger & Papesh, 2012). When you’re feeling amorous, your telltale dilated pupils and resulting dark eyes subtly signal your interest. Each iris is so distinctive that an iris-scanning machine can confirm your identity.

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retina the light-sensitive inner surface of the eye, containing the receptor rods and cones plus layers of neurons that begin the processing of visual information.

accommodation the process by which the eye’s lens changes shape to focus near or far objects on the retina.

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Behind the pupil is a transparent lens that focuses incoming light rays into an image on the retina, a multilayered tissue on the eyeball’s sensitive inner surface. The lens focuses the rays by changing its curvature and thickness, in a process called accommodation.

For centuries, scientists knew that when an image of a candle passes through a small opening, it casts an inverted mirror image on a dark wall behind. If the image passing through the pupil casts this sort of upside-down image on the retina, as in FIGURE 17.3, how can we see the world right side up? Eventually, the answer became clear: The retina doesn’t “see” a whole image. Rather, its millions of receptor cells convert particles of light energy into neural impulses and forward those to the brain. There, the impulses are reassembled into a perceived, upright-seeming image. And along the way, visual information processing percolates through progressively more abstract levels, all at astonishing speed.

Figure 6.14: FIGURE 17.3 The eye Light rays reflected from a candle pass through the cornea, pupil, and lens. The curvature and thickness of the lens change to bring nearby or distant objects into focus on the retina. Rays from the top of the candle strike the bottom of the retina, and those from the left side of the candle strike the right side of the retina. The candle’s image on the retina thus appears upside down and reversed.
Pascal Goetgheluck/Science Source
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