Question 13.33

3. This exercise illustrates how the adjusted winner procedure can be used to resolve disputes as well as to achieve fair allocations. Suppose that Mike and Phil are roommates in college, and they encounter serious conflicts during their first week at school. Their resident adviser decides to use the adjusted winner procedure to resolve the dispute. The issues agreed upon, and the (independently assigned) points, turn out to be the following:

Issue Mike’s Points Phil’s Points
Stereo level 4 22
Smoking rights 10 20
Room party policy 50 25
Cleanliness 6 3
Alcohol use 15 15
Phone time 1 8
Lights-out time 10 2
Visitor policy 4 5

Use the adjusted winner procedure to resolve this dispute. (Exercise 3 courtesy of Erica DeCarlo.)


Phil gets his way on the stereo level issue, the smoking rights issue, the phone time issue, the visitor policy issue, and about 87% of his way on the alcohol issue. Mike gets his way on the rest.