Question 14.45

15. A country has five political parties. Here are the numbers of votes each received in a recent election: 5,576,330; 1,387,342; 3,334,241; 7,512,860; and 310,968. Seats in its parliament are apportioned by the Hare (Hamilton) method. Calculate the apportionments for house sizes of 89, 90, and 91. Does the Alabama paradox occur?


As the following table shows, the Alabama paradox occurred. Party lost a seat when the house size increased from 89 to 90 and did not recover the seat when the house size increased to 91. (If you like, you can see what happens when the house size is 92.)


Party Population Seats
5,576,330 27 28 28
1,387,342 7 7 7
3,334,241 16 17 17
7,512,860 37 37 38
310,968 2 1 1
Totals 18,121,741 89 90 91