Question 14.76

image 46. The choice of a divisor method for ?4P apportioning classes to subjects according to enrollments, as in Example 2 (page 577), depends on what the school principal considers most important.

  1. The principal wants to set a minimum class size. For example, if the minimum class size is 20, and 39 students are signed up for English III, there would be one section, because there are not enough students for two sections with enrollment of at least 20. If there were 40 students, there would be two sections. The minimum class size is adjusted so that as many sections as possible are running. What apportionment method should she use?
  2. The principal prefers to set a maximum class size. For example, if the maximum class size is 33, and 67 students are taking History I, there will be three sections because there are too many students to fit in two 33-student sections. If there were only 66 students taking History I, there would be two sections. The maximum class size is adjusted so that as many sections as possible are running. What apportionment method should she use? (Hint: This divisor method is not described in the text but is mentioned in one of the previous exercises.)
  3. The principal wants to cancel any class that has an enrollment of just one student. Which apportionment methods should she avoid using?