Question 15.79

3. Former San Francisco Giants slugger Barry Bonds has been much maligned for his use of performance- enhancing drugs. But he also was shrewd about how baseball was played. Once, before an at-bat, he described to a teammate exactly how he would be pitched; the at-bat resulted in a homerun. This suggests that the batter-pitcher interaction may be better modeled as an extensive-form game, like a truel. Pitchers often describe using pitches to set up a hitter. ESPN’s website includes a game tracker feature so that users can follow a game being played in real time; this feature tracks the sequence of pitches thrown during an at-bat. Explain how to develop such an extensive-form game model of the batter-pitcher interaction. What information would you use in your model? Should the information be limited to one at-bat or for all at-bats in the game? Should it extend to previous games?