Question 19.75

45. The following table shows comparative data about the frequency of occurrence of strip designs of various types on Chinese porcelain and smoking pipes (Begho, in what is now Ghana) from two continents.

Yuan (1280–1368) and Ming (1368–1644) Dynasties
Strip Type Number of Examples Percentage of Total
p111 29 18
pimi 1 1
pm11 66 42
p112 20 13
p1a1 21 13
pma2 13 8
pmm2 9 6
Table 19.1: Frequency of Strip Designs on Porcelains from the Chinese Yuan (1280–1368) and Ming (1368–1644) Dynasties Porcelains and on African Begho Smoking Pipes
Strip Type Number of Examples Percentage of Total
p111 4 2
p1m1 9 4
pm11 22 10
p112 19 8
p1a1 2 1
pma2 9 4
pmm2 165 72
  1. Which types of motions appear to be preferred for designs from each of the two localities?
  2. What other conclusions do you draw from the data of this table?
  3. On the evidence of the table alone, in which locality is each of the following strip patterns (but not necessarily the motif) most likely to have been found?


(a) Patterns with vertical reflections are preferred on the Chinese pieces, while patterns with both horizontal and vertical reflections are strongly preferred on the Begho pipes.

(b) Neither culture completely excludes any strip type.


(c) (i) or : China. (ii) : China. (iii) : Begho. (iv) : China. (v) : Begho. (vi) : Begho. (vii) : Begho. (viii) : China. (ix) : China.