Question 3.52

22. Consider the accompanying order-requirement digraph.

  1. Find the critical path(s).
  2. Schedule these tasks on one processor using the critical-path scheduling method.
  3. Schedule these tasks on one processor using the priority list obtained by listing the tasks in order of decreasing time.
  4. Does either of these schedules have idle time? How do their completion times compare?
  5. If two different schedules have the same completion time, what criteria can be used to say one schedule is superior to the other?
  6. Schedule these tasks on two processors using the order-requirement digraph shown and the priority list from part (b).
  7. Does the schedule produced in part (f) finish in half the time that the schedule in part (b) did, which might be expected, since the number of processors has doubled?
  8. Schedule the tasks on (i) one processor and (ii) two processors (using the decreasing-time list), assuming that each task time has been reduced by 1. Do the changes in completion time agree with your expectations?