Question 3.90

60. Consider the heuristic for packing bins known as best fit described as follows: Keep track of how much room remains in each unfilled bin and put the next item to be packed into that bin that would leave the least room left over after the item is put into the bin. (For example, suppose that bin 4 had 6 units left, bin 7 had 5 units left, and bin 9 had 8 units left. If the next item in the list had size 5, then first fit would place this item in bin 4, worst fit would place the item in bin 9, while best fit would place the item in bin 7.) If there is a tie, place the item in the bin with the lowest number. Apply this heuristic to the list 8, 7, 1, 9, 2, 5, 7, 3, 6, 4, where the bins have capacity 10.