Exercises 40–51 each have several steps leading to a complete solution to a mixture problem. Practice a specific step of the solution algorithm by working out just that step for several problems. The steps are:

  1. Make a mixture chart for the problem.
  2. Using the mixture chart, write the profit formula and the resource- and minimum-constraint inequalities.
  3. Draw the feasible region for those constraints and find the coordinates of the corner points.
  4. Evaluate the profit information at the corner points to determine the production policy that best answers the question.
  5. (Requires technology) Compare your answer with the one you get from running the same problem on a simplex algorithm computer program.

Question 4.74

44. A bakery makes 600 specialty breads—multigrain or herb—each week. Standing orders from restaurants are for 100 multigrain breads and 200 herb breads. The profit on each multigrain bread is $8 and on herb bread, $10. How many breads of each type should the bakery make to maximize profit? How, if at all, do the maximum profit and optimal production policy change if the bakery has no standing orders?