Question 5.41

11. The population of the United States is aging, though less rapidly than in other developed countries. Figure 5.31 is a stemplot of the percentage of residents aged 65 and over in the 50 states, according to the 2010 Census. The stems are whole percentages and the leaves are tenths of a percentage. (The software JMP was used to create the stemplot. Notice that this software put the low stems at the bottom of the plot and the high stems at the top of the plot.)

  1. Alaska is an outlier with the lowest percentage of older residents. Florida has the highest. What is the percentage for Florida?
  2. Ignoring Alaska, describe the shape, center, and variability of this distribution.
Figure 5.33: Figure 5.31 For Exercise 11, stemplot of the percentages of residents aged 65 and over in the 50 states.


(a) 17.4%

(b) The shape is single-peaked and roughly symmetric; the center is near 13.5%; the percentages vary between 7.8% and 17.4%.