Question 5.56

26. In chronological order, here are the percentages of the popular vote won by each successful candidate in the last 16 presidential elections, starting in 1952:

Year Percent Year Percent
1952 54.9 1984 58.8
1956 57.4 1988 53.4
1960 49.7 1992 43
1964 61.1 1996 49.2
1968 43.4 2000 47.9
1972 60.7 2004 50.7
1976 50.1 2008 52.9
1980 50.7 2012 51.1
  1. Make a stemplot of the winners’ percentages.
  2. What is the median percentage of the vote won by the successful candidate in presidential elections?
  3. Call an election a landslide if the winner’s percentage falls at or above the third quartile. Find the third quartile. Which elections were landslides?
  4. Find the range.