Question 6.41

6. How fast do icicles grow? Here are data on two variables, Time measured in minutes and Length measured in centimeters, for one set of conditions: no wind, temperature −11∘C, and water flowing over the icicle at 12 milligrams per second.

Time (minutes) 10 20 30 40 50
Length (centimeters) 0.6 1.8 2.9 4.0 5.0
Time (minutes) 60 70 80 90 100
Length (centimeters) 6.1 7.9 10.1 10.9 12.7
Time (minutes) 110 120 130 140 150
Length (centimeters) 14.4 16.6 18.1 19.9 21.0
Table 6.14: Data from N. Maeno et al., Growth rates of icicles, Journal of Glaciology, 40 (1994): 319-326.


Which is the explanatory variable? Make a scatterplot. Describe in words the direction, form, and strength of the relationship.