16. The students listed below are enrolled in an elementary French course. Students are assigned to one of two smaller conversation sections at random. [Use Excel or a graphing calculator and one of the techniques discussed in Spotlight 7.1 (page 300) for this exercise.]
1. Arnold | 11. Ellis | 21. Martinez | 31. Randall |
2. Barrett | 12. Fernandez | 22. Moore | 32. Rodriguez |
3. Bartkowski | 13. Flury | 23. Munroe | 33. Schiller |
4. Burns | 14. Garcia | 24. Neale | 34. Scott |
5. Campbell | 15. Hardy | 25. Nguyen | 35. Smith |
6. Chang | 16. Holmes | 26. Oakley | 36. Stevenson |
7. Colon | 17. Jones | 27. Orsini | 37. Swokowski |
8. Davies | 18. Juarez | 28. Perlman | 38. Taylor |
9. Dodington | 19. Kempthorne | 29. Prizzi | 39. Vuong |
10. Drummond | 20. Levine | 30. Putnam | 40. Ward |
Choose a simple random sample of 20 of these students to form Section 01. Explain how you obtained the names for this section. The remaining students will be assigned to Section 02.