Question 7.46

16. The students listed below are enrolled in an elementary French course. Students are assigned to one of two smaller conversation sections at random. [Use Excel or a graphing calculator and one of the techniques discussed in Spotlight 7.1 (page 300) for this exercise.]

1. Arnold 11. Ellis 21. Martinez 31. Randall
2. Barrett 12. Fernandez 22. Moore 32. Rodriguez
3. Bartkowski 13. Flury 23. Munroe 33. Schiller
4. Burns 14. Garcia 24. Neale 34. Scott
5. Campbell 15. Hardy 25. Nguyen 35. Smith
6. Chang 16. Holmes 26. Oakley 36. Stevenson
7. Colon 17. Jones 27. Orsini 37. Swokowski
8. Davies 18. Juarez 28. Perlman 38. Taylor
9. Dodington 19. Kempthorne 29. Prizzi 39. Vuong
10. Drummond 20. Levine 30. Putnam 40. Ward

Choose a simple random sample of 20 of these students to form Section 01. Explain how you obtained the names for this section. The remaining students will be assigned to Section 02.