Question 7.54

image 24. As reported in College Teaching, in a 2006 article entitled “Humor in Pedagogy: How Ha-Ha Can Lead to Aha” (Vol. 54, Issue 1), R. L. Garner randomly assigned 117 undergraduates to “review lecture videos” on statistics research methods. The videos either did or did not have short bits of humor inserted. Students who viewed the humor-added version of the video gave significantly higher ratings in their opinion of the lesson, how well the lesson communicated information, and the quality of the instructor. Even more importantly, that same group of students also recalled and retained significantly more information on the topic.


  1. What is the explanatory variable?
  2. What is the response variable?
  3. Why is this an experiment?
  4. Why were students not initially told that the true purpose of the study was to assess the use of humor?
  5. Why do you think the study was done using a fixed- video format rather than through live teaching?