71. Rasmussen Report conducted a national telephone survey of a random sample of 1000 U.S. adults from June 19 to 20, 2013. Results indicated that 63% of adults nationwide would agree with the statement “Most Americans want the government to have less power and money.”
Algebra Review Appendix
Solving for One Variable in Terms of Another
(a) ; from approximately 0.60 to 0.66, or from 60% to 66%. The margin of error, to two decimals, is 0.03 or ±3%. (It was 3.05%, which we rounded to 3%.)
(b) They match if rounded to the nearest whole percent.
(c) Corresponding to 50%: margin of error is . So, the margin of error would be 3% only if we round to the nearest whole percent.
Corresponding to 80%, margin of error is , or approximately 2.5%.
(d) Solve for ; . In order to guarantee that the margin of error was less than 3%, a sample size of at least 1112 should be used.