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Question 8.115

2. The table of random digits (Table 7.1, page 298) was produced by a random mechanism that gives each digit probability 0.1 of being a 0.

  1. What proportion of the digits in the first row of Table 7.1 are 0s? This proportion is an estimate, based on 40 repetitions, of the true probability, which in this case is known to be 0.1.
  2. The Probability applet can imitate random digits. Set the probability of heads in the applet to 0.1. Check “Show true probability” to show this value on the graph. A head stands for a 0 in the random digit table and a tail stands for any other digit. Simulate 200 digits (50 at a time—don’t click “Reset"). If you kept going forever, presumably you would get 10% heads. What was the percentage of heads in your 200 tosses?