Suggested Readings

BRAMS, STEVEN J. The Presidential Election Game, 2d ed., A K Peters, Wellesley, MA, 2008. Focuses on the strategic aspects of presidential elections—from primaries to conventions to general elections—and also includes an analysis of the “game” played between President Richard Nixon and the Supreme Court over the release of the Watergate tapes that led to Nixon’s resignation in 1974. (Nixon is the only president to have resigned from the presidency.)

GEIST, KRISTI, MICHAEL A. JONES, and JENNIFER WILSON. Apportionment in the Democratic Primary Process, Mathematics Teacher, Volume 104, Number 3 (October 2010), 214-220. Applies the Democratic Delegate Selection Rules to allocate delegates for every district in the 2008 New Jersey Democratic primary, as well as to allocate the PLEO and at-large delegates. Considers the effect of using the 15% threshold, but using a different apportionment method (e.g., Jefferson’s method instead of Hamilton’s method; other apportionment methods are introduced in Chapter 14). It includes activity worksheets.

HINICH, MELVIN J., and MICHAEL C. MUNGER. Analytical Politics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1997. Extends spatial modeling to more than one dimension, analyzes probabilistic voting, and introduces game-theoretic solution concepts relevant to the study of elections.

SAARI, DONALD G. Chaotic Elections! A Mathematician Looks at Voting, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2001. Argues that elections—in particular, the 2000 presidential election, but others as well—have chaotic features that can be understood through mathematics. The mathematics used is an unusual kind of geometry that is accessible to people with some mathematical background.

SHEPSLE, KENNETH A. Analyzing Politics: Rationality, Behavior, and Institutions, 2nd ed., Norton, NY, 2010. Rational strategies in voting and elections are a major component of this textbook, but it also includes sections on collective action and political institutions, such as courts and legislatures. Several case studies illustrate the theory.

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