Writing Projects
1. Use computer software to make some tilings of your own (see the Suggested Websites). Print out your tilings and describe, in a sentence or two each, how you made them.
2. You can build a model of a buckyball by weaving strips of paper in a hexagonal pattern, much as peoples in Africa and elsewhere weave baskets and balls. Background material and instructions on doing this are available at www.ccd.rpi.edu/Eglash/csdt/african/hex/intro.html. Make such a buckyball, preferably with colored strips. Explain why the result is a buckyball. The construction depends on the fact that when a strand is wrapped around a rim of the same width, a 60° angle results. Explain why this is so, and experiment to try to determine what angles are formed when the strand and rim are not the same width (e.g., when a the strand is twice as wide as the rim or half as wide).