BEYER, JINNY. Designing Tessellations: The Secrets of Interlocking Patterns, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1999.
FATHAUER, ROBERT. Designing and Drawing Tessellations, Tessellations Publishing, Phoenix, Ariz., 2010.
KAPLAN, CRAIG. Escherization. Gives examples of tilings, using recognizable motifs, that were produced by the author’s algorithm, including ones based on Penrose tilings.
PENROSE, ROGER. Pentaplexity, Eureka 39 (1978): 16–22; reprinted under the title Pentaplexity: A class of non-periodic tilings of the plane, Mathematical Intelligencer 2(1) (March 1979): 32–37; reprinted with striking color figures, Eureka 62 (2012): 10–15.
RANUCCI, ERNEST, and JOSEPH TEETERS. Creating Escher-Type Patterns, Creative Publications, Oak Lawn, IL, 1977.
SCHATTSCHNEIDER, DORIS. M. C. Escher: Visions of Symmetry, 2d ed., Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2004.
SCHATTSCHNEIDER, DORIS. Will it tile? Try the Conway criterion!, Mathematics Magazine 53(4) (September 1980): 224–233.
SENECHAL, MARJORIE. The mysterious Mr. Ammann, Mathematical Intelligencer 26(4) (Fall 2004): 10–21.
SERRA, MICHAEL. Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach, 4th ed., Kendall Hunt, Dubuque, IA, 2007. Chapter 7, Transformations and Tessellations, treats regular and semiregular tessellations, tessellations with irregular polygons, and the Conway criterion.
SEYMOUR, DALE, and JILL BRITTON. Introduction to Tessellations, Dale Seymour Publications, Palo Alto, CA, 1990. An excellent introduction to tessellations, including how to make Escher-like tessellations.
STEPHENS, PAM, and JIM McNEILL. Tessellations: The History and Making of Symmetrical Designs, Crystal Productions, Glenview, IL, 2001.
TEETERS, JOSEPH L. How to draw tessellations of the Escher type, Mathematics Teacher 67 (1974): 307–310.
WILLSON, JOHN. Mosaic and Tessellated Patterns: How to Create Them, Dover, Mineola, NY, 1983.