www.census.gov or fedstats.sites.usa.gov/ The websites suggested in Chapter 5 as data sources provide information enabling us to investigate relationships as well. How is the number of medical doctors per 100,000 people in each state related to how rich a state is? To infant mortality in the state? To the cost of medical care? You can study these and many other relationships using data from government websites.
www.learner.org/courses/againstallodds Want to view videos showing applications of the material from this chapter? Find out how the deaths of Florida manatees are related to the number of powerboat registrations, or how height can be predicted from skeletal remains; or learn about the classic correlation study on genes versus the environment. You’ll find these examples and more in Units 10–12 of Against All Odds: Inside Statistics.
www.amstat.org/publications/jse The Journal of Statistics Education contains many articles with interesting data and examples. Look, for example, in its archive for “Exploring Relationships in Body Dimensions” by G. Heinz et al. in the July 2003 issue. Here, you will find information about measuring body dimensions, actual data from 247 men and 260 women, and some examples of both distributions and relationships.
www.causeweb.org CAUSEweb is a searchable digital library of resources on a wide range of statistics topics offered by the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education.
demonstrations.wolfram.com Wolfram Demonstrations Project contains a variety of interactive applets. Click “About” at the top of the page to find out how to download the free Computable Document Format (CDF) player for these applets. Then Click “Explore” to get to the topic index and select the following progression of topics: Mathematics > Statistics > Data Analysis. Check out these applets: Correlation and Regression Explorer, Regression Toward the Mean, and Local Regression for Country Data.